Don’t worry, be happy!

To quote Bob Marley, everything will be alright.  I was quite worried when I read in a Lad’s Magazine (it was in my hairdressers, honest); “50 things you should do before you die” and I discovered that I have done them all but two.

I found that a bit worrying – Just two to go before I am ready to pop my clogs.

Then I read on and found that the two that I had left were sodomy and folk dancing – NO WAY. 

How does it go? In every life we have some trouble, when you worry you make it double, don’t worry, be happy.  It wasn’t a great ‘bucket list’ anyway.

So that’s all right then.

About Jake

Long retired travel writer, author and freelance journalist. Educated at Wolverton Grammar and Greenwich Naval College. Happily married since 1958, with a married son and daughter, a married granddaughter and an adult grandson. Hobbies rock-climbing, dinghy racing and ocean racing. Still regularly working out in the gym.
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