Is it possible that she knows something that I don’t?

Would you believe it? My new thumb joint was fitted and I was sent home on Monday feeling sore and grumpy with instructions of what I was not allowed to do, including not driving, not flying for at least two months, (What if I was going abroad for Christmas?), none of this, none of that, wear DVT stockings for a week; Hello it is my arm that is in plaster. All designed to make a chap even more sore and grumpy.

Why can’t they give patients lists of things that they are allowed to do? I had a relative who lost his arm during the war and drove his automatic car quite competently for years. Anyway I digress; the interesting outcome of my enforced inconvenience is the effect that it has had on my beautiful, serene, spouse of some 54 summers, whom because of her lovely forgiving nature, I refer to as Pollyanna. She fusses over me like I was a new kitten or even dare I say it a new baby.

As I have said before, during the past few years I have had replacement joints to all of my limbs but this time she has never been so attentive. Talk about wishing to wrap me in cotton wool, this time she is adding bubble wrap, I also have an inkling that she has hidden my car keys and I will bet that she will tell me that I am always forgetting where I have left them.  I am more able this time because I am left handed and the final replacement was to my right hand but no matter. She has made note of all the warnings on my medical notes and is insistent that I should conform. Se conformer, moi? ……….   Man flu – only the strongest survive!

About Jake

Long retired travel writer, author and freelance journalist. Educated at Wolverton Grammar and Greenwich Naval College. Happily married since 1958, with a married son and daughter, a married granddaughter and an adult grandson. Hobbies rock-climbing, dinghy racing and ocean racing. Still regularly working out in the gym.
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