Hello Sailor, sorry soldier, it’s only a joke

In the 1950s I was a Royal Navy Clearance Diver and trained with the Special Boat Squadron who were mostly ‘Bootnecks’. 

The following tale circulating on Rum Ration the Navy Net brought back those days.  Well it made me laugh!  I was asked why I chose to train with the Royal Marines instead of the Paras.

I said I have pretended to be a Royal Marine on nights out on three occasions and slept with three of the world’s most beautiful women as a result.

I pretended to be a Para once and I still can’t get the guy to stop calling me!”

About Jake

Long retired travel writer, author and freelance journalist. Educated at Wolverton Grammar and Greenwich Naval College. Happily married since 1958, with a married son and daughter, a married granddaughter and an adult grandson. Hobbies rock-climbing, dinghy racing and ocean racing. Still regularly working out in the gym.
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